Friday, November 1, 2019

If you are interested in watching the documentary below on Stories from the Underground Railroad, here is that link.

Remember, I will give you ten points extra credit if you write up a reflection ( a short one page paper) on this.

You can also earn another ten points extra credit for going to see the movie Harriet Tubman and writing a short reflection on this film, as well.

Speaking of writings, because of the overwhelmingly poor results on the reading quiz, I will now take up reading journals for your weekly readings. Your parents are paying for this class, and to help you stay on task, I will review these weekly readings. If I see that you are not keeping up with these readings, I'll discuss this with your parents. I believe that you are each capable and responsible enough to follow the weekly syllabus. And besides, this will be good practice for your next possible journey, which is likely college for many of you. :)

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